12th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Proposed Framework of Product Redesign Need Assessment based on Customer Requirement, Complaint and Failure Analysis

Anda Juniani, Moses Laksono Singgih & Putu Karningsih
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Product Development

Rapid technological change, increasing product complexity, and relatively short marketing time are challenges of today's manufacturing businesses. New product development and introduction are required to keep the business continuity of a manufacturing company and win the competition. In an ideal world, every product would be tailored to the customer's demands. The user of a product expects a high-quality, dependable product. Customers may get a defective product and file a complaint.  This unpleasant experience of product users could be utilized as feedback to improve existing product design. Identification of functional components is the essential stage of product redesign. Customer requirements are primarily used to prioritize function components, whereas complaint and failure knowledge, which are also crucial for improving product reliability, is frequently overlooked. This paper proposes an integrated framework development of need assessment in product redesign based on customer requirements, complaints, and failure analysis. Customer requirements are used in product redesign through quality function development (QFD), while failure analysis is followed by failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). Data complaints would be arranged to follow the Kano-QFD/FMEA to be developed in an integrated manner. This proposed framework may improve the product's reliability and quality by simultaneously considering the customers' requirements, complaints, and the product's risk priority number, and therefore improving the product's market competitiveness.Rapid technological change, increasing product complexity, and relatively short marketing time are challenges of today's manufacturing businesses. New product development and introduction are required to keep the business continuity of a manufacturing company and win the competition. In an ideal world, every product would be tailored to the customer's demands. The user of a product expects a high-quality, dependable product. Customers may get a defective product and file a complaint.  This unpleasant experience of product users could be utilized as feedback to improve existing product design. Identification of functional components is the essential stage of product redesign. Customer requirements are primarily used to prioritize function components, whereas complaint and failure knowledge, which are also crucial for improving product reliability, is frequently overlooked. This paper proposes an integrated framework development of need assessment in product redesign based on customer requirements, complaints, and failure analysis. Customer requirements are used in product redesign through quality function development (QFD), while failure analysis is followed by failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). Data complaints would be arranged to follow the Kano-QFD/FMEA to be developed in an integrated manner. This proposed framework may improve the product's reliability and quality by simultaneously considering the customers' requirements, complaints, and the product's risk priority number, and therefore improving the product's market competitiveness.

Published in: 12th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Istanbul, Turkey

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: March 7-10, 2022

ISBN: 978-1-7923-6131-9
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767