Track: Systems Engineering
In this paper, we develop an ontology-based performance evaluation system for a news search engine (called TAKA) using the enterprise engineering approach Design and Engineering Methodology for Organizations (DEMO). This paper has threefold objectives. First, to describe, understand and analyze the main processes in TAKA news search engine. For this objective, a conceptual DEMO model is developed for TAKA system. Second, to propose a performance evaluation system for TAKA system. For this objective, a set of measures is developed for each process. Third, to analyze the performance and to draw potential improvements for the TAKA news search engine. For this objective, each process is analyzed, and corrective decisions are to be considered. This paper contributes to the literature by presenting a performance evaluation system for the entire news search engine from user, enterprise and systems engineering point of views. On contrast, studies in the literature consider only the users' perspectives.