Track: Sustainability and Green Systems
Transportation electrification is one of the most effective ways to reduce the emission pollution in metropolitans. For this reason, the government of many of countries defined an incentive based policies to increase the penetration of electric vehicles in the cities, especially in large cities. Although the electric vehicles can have a positive impact of emission reduction, their development have some strong challenges that should be considered in roadmap designing process. The electric vehicles have various strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) that need to be analyzed. In this paper, the SWOT analysis of electric vehicles will be carried out from technical, economic, and environmental perspectives. The challenges of electric vehicles integration on electricity networks will be investigated and the practical solutions to address these challenges will be presented. Moreover, from the economic perspective, the market challenges from the buyers, manufactures, and governments points of view will be analyzed. Finally, the impact of electric vehicles on emission reduction will be studied and the practical ways to increase their positive impacts will be presented.