5th International Conference in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management (IMEOM)

5G-based Smart Health Care System Design Using IoT in Bangladesh

Md. Arafat Hossain Emu, Sajjad Ahmed & Quazi Monjur E-Elahi
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Occupational Health and Safety

The health care system is society's way of dealing with risk factors for illness. Every culture has its own set of ideas about what influences health, and these ideas don't always line up with what we know to be true. Putting a premium on each individual life is a cornerstone of every healthcare system. As reported by the WHO in 2010, health care in Bangladesh receives just approximately 3% of the country's GDP. Bangladesh lacks a comprehensive health strategy to develop the whole health system, despite the fact that the nation has a rising private sector that predominantly provides tertiary level health care services. Current smart health-care services and apps use 4G and other communication protocols. Advancements in these areas are essential for the development of next-generation intelligent health care services. There will be a huge variety of data types and sizes generated by several applications as the healthcare sector expands. Therefore, 5G networks are being built to meet the various communication requirements of IoT health-care applications (IoT). 5G-enabled, internet-of-things-based smart healthcare networks are already a reality. Telemedicine and the healthcare business as a whole stand to benefit greatly from the 5G technology's low latency, high speed, expanded high-resolution bandwidth, greater dependability, and reduced energy usage. The preventative and curative effects of this cutting-edge wireless networking technology are far-reaching. Wearables equipped with powerful sensors connected to a 5G network may be used to remotely monitor patients. Other uses of 5G technology in the medical field include: remote patient consultation; augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR)-based simulated surgeries; artificial intelligence (AI)-powered robotic surgeries; real-time maintenance of ambulances and other medical devices; and a dynamic huge data repository. The Internet of Things will dramatically alter medical treatment while reducing the price of necessary equipment. When it comes to facilitating broad adoption of the Internet of Things, 5G networks will play a crucial role. One of the most vital uses for 5G networks will be in the field of smart healthcare.

Published in: 5th International Conference in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering and Operations Management (IMEOM), Dhaka, Bangladesh

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: December 26-27, 2022

ISBN: 979-8-3507-0541-6
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2691-7726