Track: Industrial Management
The present research evaluates dimensions that influence the consumer's satisfaction with the shoe service industry. The evaluated factors are comprised of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and the consumer's satisfaction. There are five developed hypotheses, and they are tested by multiple linear regression. The instruments are extracted by using the online questionnaire. The questionnaire consisted of a five-point Likert scale, and 24 questions were prepared for presenting the dimensions' representation. A total of 55 respondents participated in this study. The questionnaire was distributed in the range of the second semester of 2021, where the covid-19 struck the businesses hard. Four out of five hypotheses are generated with positive and significant values. The reliability dimension is revealed to be insignificant. The tangible dimension is explored to be the most vital dimension with significant effect. The regression formula was generated with the value of Y = 1,601 + 0,488 X1 + 0,124 X2 + 0,129X3 + 0,287X4 + 0,129X5. The suggestions, limitations, and implications are discussed further for improving the service and understanding the consumer better.
Consumers, Satisfaction, Shoe, Industry and Covid