Track: Undergraduate Student Paper Competition
Poor sleep quality is very common among college students and College students are at particular risk of poor sleep quality. The purpose of this study is to assess the relationship between Sleep Quality, Fatigue, Stress and Anxiety of IE41S1 in the Technological Institute of the Philippine Quezon City using Multiple regression Analysis. The questionnaires will be distributed and responses will be collected online. By using the data we have gathered and applying Multiple Regression Analysis we will determine the relationship between Sleep Quality, Fatigue, Stress, and Anxiety. The results of this study will enlighten the students about the relationship between the quality of sleep, anxiety, stress, and fatigue. Also, this will serve them as a guide to formulate time management plans to improve their quality of sleep. For Teachers/Professors, the conclusion of this study will give knowledge and awareness about the situation of their students. With enough information, Teachers/Professors can help them by offering guidance to students who are experiencing anxiety, fatigue, and stress because of poor quality of sleep. Lastly, the result of this study can serve as a guide or reference to other researchers that have a similar topic about the issue of sleep quality using multiple regression.
Sleep Quality, Multiple Regression, Fatigue, Anxiety, Perceive Stress