4th South American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Prospective analysis of water supply through analytical methods for a high Andean population

Jair Gomez, Keren Guzman, Paulo Huanaco, Ladhy Sierra & Leonardo Porras
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Undergraduate Student Paper Competition

The main objective of this article is to find an adequate hydrological development plan worldwide, taking into account the resources that Peru has, through different databases such as scientific articles, magazines, and national and international theses, demonstrating that various countries have a relative abundance of water resources that represent a large percentage of the world's water capital. The methodology presents four methods for the calculation of the future population and later the calculation of the necessary flow to supply the high Andean population.

The results are presented using two methods: graphic and numerical. Based on the results, an interpretation of the data obtained was made. Finally, this paper provides conclusions that are based on the decrease in water supply in the high Andean areas, for which it was possible to estimate the demand for water for the development of the high Andean areas and an improvement in the quality of life for their population. In summary, it has finished analyzing the approximation between the years 2022 and 2037 as well as the data collected for the investigation.

The main objective of this article is to find an adequate hydrological development plan worldwide, taking into account the resources that Peru has, through different databases such as scientific articles, magazines, and national and international theses, demonstrating that various countries have a relative abundance of water resources that represent a large percentage of the world's water capital. The methodology presents four methods for the calculation of the future population and later the calculation of the necessary flow to supply the high Andean population.

The results are presented using two methods: graphic and numerical. Based on the results, an interpretation of the data obtained was made. Finally, this paper provides conclusions that are based on the decrease in water supply in the high Andean areas, for which it was possible to estimate the demand for water for the development of the high Andean areas and an improvement in the quality of life for their population. In summary, it has finished analyzing the approximation between the years 2022 and 2037 as well as the data collected for the investigation.

Published in: 4th South American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Lima, Peru

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: May 9-11, 2023

ISBN: 979-8-3507-0545-4
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767