Training is a systematic process that can change behavior and increase knowledge and skills of human resources. Training aims to achieve organizational goals, which are related to skills and abilities. This study entitled "Evaluation of Competency Improvement through Functional Training Programs Using the Kirkpatrick's Four-Level Method at the Ministry of State Secretariat's Education and Training Center." This training evaluation aims to determine how the influence and effectiveness of the training program organized by the Ministry of State's Education and Training Center, carried out using the Kirkpatrick Four-Levels method including ,, level 1 reaction (reaction), level 2 learning (learning), level 3 behavior (behavior) and Level 4 result (result). The research method used in this research is descriptive with a quantitative approach. The analysis technique used is path analysis, the calculation process in the research methodology and the results of the discussion is carried out with the help of SPSS ver. 23. Respondents in this study amounted to 94 respondents who were participants of functional training at the Kemensetneg Education and Training Center in January-December 2020.