This study aimed to examine the influence of return on assetand earning per share on stock price. The object of this study is property and real estate companies listed or listing on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and the number of samples obtained by 30 companies to pass through purposive sampling phase in accordance with the criteria required for the study. This research is categorized into types of descriptive and verification method. Data used in this study belong to the type of secondary data such as annual reports and financial statements of the company since 2014 until 2019 which can be obtained from the website www.idx.co.id. The method of analysis of this research using panel data regression analysis to obtain a comprehensive picture of the relationship between the variables with other variables. These results indicate that the return of assets, return on equity, net profit margin and earning per share simultaneously significant affect on stock price. Results of this study idntifies a partial return on assets, return on equity and net profit margin did not significantly influence the share price and earnings per share significantly to stock
prices to the property and rael estate listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) of in 2010 through 2014.
Keywords: ROA, EPS, Stock Price