1st Indian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Connecting the Dots (Meditation teaches - You take 1 Step He takes 10 Steps)

Som Soni & Gita Soni
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations

Heartfulness (HFN) is a simple practical method to experience heart’s unlimited resources. It includes guided relaxation, and a meditation technique with yogic transmission. Heartful Institute has developed a HeartsApp to practice HFN and is illustrated in [1]. This app can be downloaded from Heartfulness.org without any cost and is free to use 24 hours/ 7 days all over the world. Since the Covid-19 outbreak, the application of meditation and HeartsApp has increased multifold. One can easily learn how to meditate and experience the effect of transmission. This article shows some simple illustrations of, “You take one step and He takes 10 steps”, in honest and sincere efforts for accomplishing daily goals. Key features including, Meditation with a trainer, Guided practice with introductory sessions, Master classes and Lifstyle in a Heartfulness way are given www.heartfulness.org and [2].

Some examples of effectiveness of meditation are given. These include results of taking steps with faith and devotion given below:

  1. Open house in Mandi, HP, India on May 15, 2015
  2. Meeting with General Medrano, in Bogota, Colombia.
  3. Invitation by Professor Ahid Ali to present and consequences.
  4. Contact by Mr. Ritesh Bisht for webinar in his college in Kulu, HP, India.
  5. First time visit to Colombia.
  6. Contact with Central State University.



  1. Soni, Som and Soni, Gita, “ Heartfurness Meditation and HeartsApp” presented in Haiti IEOM meeting, June 16, 2021.
  2. Kamlesh D. Patel and Joshua Pollock, “The Heartfulness Way”, Reveal Press, 2018.

Published in: 1st Indian International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Bangalore, India

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: August 16-18, 2021

ISBN: 978-1-7923-6128-9
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767