5th North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management


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Performance success in terms of human development. The quality of human development that has been achieved by an area can be done by measuring the quality of the development by using parameters with 3 (three) components, among others; (1) Success in health is seen from the ability to live physically, namely by looking at life expectancy; (2) Ability to reflect on the success of educational development by looking at literacy rates and length of schooling; (3) The amount of goods and services that can be provided by the community for its citizens, namely by observing the purchasing power parity of the community. In other words, the human development index is measured by three dimensions, namely 1) health index, 2) education and 3) economy. The health index is measured by the life expectancy rate, usually the life expectancy of the baby born. One of the ways education index can be measured by literacy rate. Then the economic dimension is measured from the people's purchasing power index. Currently, more than half of Indonesia's population live in urban areas. By 2030 it is projected that more than 60 percent of Indonesia's population will be residents who live in urban areas. This leaves urban areas with many planning challenges, as cities offer more efficient economies of scale at various levels, including the provision of goods, transportation and services. A green city is a city designed with environmental impacts in mind, inhabited by people who have the awareness to conserve energy, water and food use and minimize waste disposal, water pollution and air pollution. Green waste is an effort to manage waste / waste in order to create zero waste by implementing the 3R concept, namely reduce (reduce waste), reuse (add value to waste resulting from the recycling process), and recycle. Urban open space is a space that is always located outside the mass of the building which can be utilized and utilized by everyone and provides the opportunity to carry out various activities in urban areas. The open spaces in question include pedestrians, roads, environmental parks, sports fields, plazas, recreational parks and city parks. Every public space has its own spatial, historic, social, environmental and economic features. The indicator for the proportion of urban open space is a global indicator that needs to be developed. A green city is a city designed with environmental impacts in mind, inhabited by people who have the awareness to save energy, food and water and minimize waste, air pollution and water pollution. According to Law Number 26 of 2007 concerning Spatial Planning. Green Open Space (RTH) is a path / area that extends and / or in groups, the use of which is more open, a place to grow plants, both those that grow naturally or those that are intentionally planted. The proportion of green open space in the city area is at least 30% of the city area. The research objective was to create a Sustainable Cities Design and Design Model, the Impact of Infrastructure in Improving the Quality of Health, Education and Public Purchasing Power to Improve the Quality of Human Resources in Ngawi Regency. The research method began with the collection of primary and secondary data, data analysis, followed by the compilation of digital data and the preparation of geographic information technology 4.0 in the form of a GIS web. A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a special information system that manages data that has spatial (spatial reference) information. Or in a more narrow sense, is a computer system that has the ability to build, store, manage and display geographically efficient information, for example data identified by location, in a database. In general, the notion of a Geographical Information System is a component consisting of hardware, software, geographic data and human resources that work together effectively to enter, store, repair, update, manage, manipulate, integrate, analyze and display data in information. geographically based. (Prahasta, Eddy, 2003 in Masudara, Jenry J, 2015). According to Pressman (Pressman, 2010 in Masudara, Jenry J, 2015), the waterfall model is a classic model that is systematic, sequential in building software. The name of this model is actually "Linear Sequential Model". This model is often referred to as the “classic life cycle” or waterfall model. The following is an explanation of the steps in the Waterfall model: (1) Communication; This step is an analysis of system requirements. Data collection at this stage can be done

Published in: 5th North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Detroit, USA

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: August 9-11, 2020

ISBN: 978-0-9855497-8-7
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767