The present research aims to get a holistic view of the characteristics of specialization in business incubators models. This paper centers on building a general framework by taking into account a holistic look at the features, profiles, advantages, and disadvantages of specialization in business incubators models. The strategy aims to impact mainly stakeholders by adopting business incubators strategies, especially to those tenant firms of the manufacturing sector related to emerging technologies such as Industry 4.0 technologies. Moreover, the framework is built based on the discussion of the leading representatives' heads of the specialization in the field of specialized business incubators' models. The strategy aims to reduce the current short-term death rate expectancy prevailing in the contemporary economic context by a robust business model for business incubation. Business incubators hold tenants into a hub with not only supportive facilities for the business without investing vital capital, which is not part of their core chain value but also harnessing the closer source of knowledge transfer and skilfully workforce-related on these technologies. Finally, remarks and recommendations are proposed for futures tenant companies' prospects, who wish to reduce the bankruptcy risk by boosting innovative goods and services with high technological development in a specific field of knowledge.