6th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Deployment of Virtualization Technology for Higher Engineering Education Data Communication Laboratory

Zulfiqar Ali
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Ph.D. Thesis/Dissertation Presentation

This paper discusses the deployment of computer virtualization technology for higher education network laboratory. The higher education network laboratory is facility available at Yanbu Industrial Collage (YIC) Saudi Arabia for the students of bachelor of engineering technology students in order to perform 12 computer networks lab experiments every semester of 16 weeks. The program requires accommodation of 12 maximum students in single lab session. Each student requires 4-6 machines along with connectivity accessories to perform computer network engineering course lab experiments.  Due to the shortage of space, equipment and time, it is extremely difficult to manage all 12 students at the same time in order to perform lab experiments. It is also expensive in terms of energy consuming in in KW-Houres per year. The results of the this paper demonstrates that by the deployment of computer virtual technology in the computer network engineering lab, 80 percent of the cost of equipment, space , time and energy can be saved in parallel with smooth operation of 12 lab experiments sessions  for 12 students  every week per semester. During this research, virtualization technology has deployed, tested and analyzed at layer 2, layer 3 and layer 7 of OSI model.  Virtual machines and interface cards are created and operated at each single physical machine. These machines then connected and tested virtually to be communicated successfully. These virtual machines are connected to physical layer 2 device to confirm a successful communication between virtual machines and physical devices via physical connections. The same process design is deployed to all 12 machines available for 12 students for each lab session. In total 48 virtual machines are created, connected and tested successfully. The results demonstrated that by deployment of virtualization technology, up to 80 percent of equipment cost, energy, space and time can easily be saved. By the deployment of this technology, 12 students can easily be accommodate with no shortage of equipment, space, time and with no more consumption of energy for 24/7 over 365 days per year.

Published in: 6th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: March 8-10, 2016

ISBN: 978-0-9855497-4-9
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767