9th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

The Dynamics of Community and Parents Participation: Huyula Culture Approach in Educational Financing in High Schools, Vocational Schools, and Madrasah Aliyah (Islamic High Schools) in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia

Hendri Hendri, Arwildayanto Arwildayanto & POPI PUADAH
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Case Studies

This research aims to determine community participation in financing education in Gorontalo Province by using a mixing approach  method combining quantitative and qualitative methods known as combination research called concurrent embedded.

The results of this research about the dynamics of community participation in financing education compared to public participation has been experiencing declining. The decline occurs in Gorontalo, in line with the incessant campaign against extortion and free education programs in various local governments.

Society and parents view that financing has been fulfilled through the State budget (APBN) budget, namely in the form of school operational assistance (BOS), with education policies for the people (PRODIRA) carried out by the Gorontalo provincial government, as well as the regency and city governments of Gorontalo Province .

Currently education funding from the BOS budget, and PRODIRA has been fulfilling the policy of education equity, but not being able to improve the quality of education as the expectations of education stakeholders. For that reason, a good solution for improving the quality of education, the support and participation of the community and parents of students in financing education is still needed, especially from the upper middle class who has higher income.

Published in: 9th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Bangkok, Thailand

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: March 5-7, 2019

ISBN: 978-1-5323-5948-4
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767