Track: Logistics
With the rapid industrialization that swarmed across the globe in the past few decades, various environmental issues have emerged due to negligence in the hands of humans. Hence in the recent history people across the globe has joint together in minimizing the environmental impacts from industrial activities. Special concern has been placed on the logistics arena of the supply chain leading to a shift in the traditional objectives of Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) towards the minimization of environmental impacts from distribution. The new branch of VRP that emerged is known as Green Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) and consists of three predominantly identified categories as Green-VRP, Pollution Routing Problem and VRP in Reverse Logistics. In nowadays, a high concern is placed on the management of reverse logistic flows in the supply chain for minimizing the adverse environmental impacts and thus requires a proper optimization in the distribution channels associated with this process. This literature review extensively analyses the available literature in VRP in Reverse Logistics to identify the current trends, limitations in the applicability to real world and the available research gaps. Hence it is hoped that the article will provide guidance for future researches.