5th South American Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Conference

Analysis of Simulation Platforms in System Dynamics for Decision Making

Laura Herrera Giraldo & Laura Milena Cárdenas
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations

Due to the complexity of social systems, there is a need to understand and experiment with them. Simulation platforms provide a modeled environment where people can conduct controlled experiments and make decisions about a specific problem, observing the effects of those decisions on the system. System dynamics offers a tool for the construction of these simulation platforms. In this paper, the identification of available simulation platforms in system dynamics was performed, along with an analysis of their advantages and challenges. To achieve this, a systematic literature review was employed to identify and analyze existing platforms in system dynamics, focusing on their characteristics, advantages and challenges. In the results of this literature review, 47 system dynamics simulation platforms were found. The advantages of these simulators are manifold: they serve as powerful tools to enhance the understanding of complex systems, facilitate experimentation within virtual environments, aid in decision-making processes across various domains, and offer the possibility to evaluate strategies or policies aimed at improving the systems involved. On the other hand, some of the challenges identified in the literature review include limited data availability for constructing these simulators, the prerequisite of initial system knowledge for simulator users, and the difficulty of making generalizations regarding the systems analyzed by these platforms. The literature review presented in this article will ensure a detailed understanding of the current landscape of simulation platforms, highlighting their importance in informed decision making in complex systems.

Published in: 5th South American Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Conference, Bogota, Colombia

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: May 7-9, 2024

ISBN: 979-8-3507-1735-8
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767