Track: Logistics
To maintain or improve factory reliability, an effective maintenance program is needed both internally and externally. Quality factory maintenance service providers can be obtained through the procurement planning and implementation process with the best value-for-money performance. The research focuses on developing multicriteria used to select factory service providers and is decomposed successively into 3 dimensions, 13 elements, and 58 indicators. Determination of weights using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method involved paired assessments by 26 experts within the company with the result of a technical dimension weight of 67.41% and a financial dimension weight of 32.59%. The assessment of the administrative dimension is carried out through a knockout system, while the assessment of the technical dimension and financial dimension is carried out through a combination of a knockout system and a system with parameters that have been developed so that the assessment can be carried out in a measurably and objectively. The testing results of the assessment instrument, which was carried out through five scenarios, prove that the assessment criteria and parameters can be used to obtain appropriate winners, which is a trade-off from technical and financial aspects.