6th Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Bangladesh Conference

Aggregate Planning, MPS, And MRP Of A Textile Production

Abdullah Al Rahi, Musabbir Hasan Sumon, Ebrahim Pichka & Qausar Rhaman
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Operations Research

The textile industry in Bangladesh, constituting the major share of the GDP, is mostly dependent on the strength of experience and cheap labor rate. But it is facing challenges in small-scale production due to outdated technology and high operating costs. This particular sector, renowned for its global textile manufacturing role, particularly in ready-made garments, fabric manufacturing can benefit from aggregate planning. By aligning production with demand, optimizing resource utilization, and managing inventory effectively, following this strategy small textile companies can overcome operational shortcomings.

To conduct the analysis process, the actual data utilized for examination encompassed a total of 517 product requirement. ABC analysis was done based on four months' requirements to identify products that generate the majority of sales. This strategic approach led to the selection of 12 products, collectively contributing to 60% of the total requirements.

MRP focuses on a select 12 products. While these products vary, the raw materials exhibit less diversity, with six types common to all. These raw materials are procured either locally or internationally.

This study aims to explore the inclusion of aggregate planning in the textile industries of Bangladesh, evaluating its potential to significantly reduce costs and enhance overall production and material resource planning.

Published in: 6th Industrial Engineering and Operations Management Bangladesh Conference, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: December 26-28, 2023

ISBN: 979-8-3507-1733-4
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767