Track: Undergraduate Student Paper Competition
The Pasahero application will be developed as part of this research with the intention of enhancing commuters' productivity, efficiency, and level of customer service. Our study's main objectives are to shorten wait times at bus stops where people use the Pasahero app to time their walk to a stop or station, reduce travel times where users can adjust their travel schedules in accordance with the time provided by the Pasahero app, and boost transit use where users are content with the shorter wait and travel times. The "Design Thinking" methodology is used by researchers and designers to pinpoint issues and generate solutions, while it explores what might be and generates desired results that are beneficial to the end user using logic, creativity, intuition, and experience. The Input-Process-Output (IPO) model offers a framework for a life-cycle analysis approach that identifies performance indicators and standards for evaluating the use of nanomaterials to increase a system's sustainability.The data was collected with a survey. Using a four-point grading scale, testing the functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, and portability. And the results show that users strongly agree that it meets all of these factors of the Pasahero application.