Track: Undergraduate Student Paper Competition
This study evaluates the productivity in terms of number of transactions, earnings, and profit of a local online delivery service operated by a tech start-up company that has seen increased sales but not profit. Through PDCA, this study identified the problems that affect the productivity of the company the most, the root causes of the top problem, and their correlation with the productivity of the company. Furthermore, solutions were formulated to help the company improve its productivity for the next year. The assessment began with data collection through interviews and survey questionnaires which were run through various quality control tools as well as correlation analysis. At this stage, it was determined that the poor user interface of the application causes the most problems for the company in terms of productivity. From here, various concrete solutions were formulated for high-impact root causes that were controllable and a corresponding risk assessment plan was developed. With a detailed monitoring and response plan, the solutions provided will help the company as well as other companies within the delivery services industry.