3rd Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

The Effect of Compensation and Organizational Culture on Employee Work Motivation at Grand Mercure Bandung Setiabudi

Vira Rizkyka Syawaline & Dian Indiyati
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Business Management

Work motivation is a condition that encourages someone to conduct their duties at work. Work motivation is important to improve performance because it could encourage employee productivity. Achieving high employee motivation requires support from company management so that there are factors that can increase employee motivation, such as compensation and organizational culture. Compensation is given both financial and non-financial as a reward for the work that has been done. In addition, organizational culture is the values, traditions, and work procedures followed by members of the company. This study aims to determine how compensation, organizational culture, and work motivation of employees at Grand Mercure Bandung Setiabudi is, as well as to analyze the partial and simultaneous effect of compensation and organizational culture on employee motivation at Grand Mercure Bandung Setiabudi. The data in this study were analyzed using a descriptive quantitative method and verified using Structural Equation Model (SEM)-PLS analysis. The data were taken by distributing questionnaires to 150 employees of the Grand Mercure Bandung Setiabudi. The results show that the compensation given by Grand Mercure Bandung Setiabudi to employees is included in the fairly high category, the organizational culture shown by Grand Mercure Bandung Setiabudi is included in the fairly good category, and the work motivation shown by the employees of Grand Mercure Bandung Hotel is included in the moderate category. tall. In addition, the results of the research partially and simultaneously show that compensation and organizational culture have an effect on employee motivation.Work motivation is a condition that encourages someone to conduct their duties at work. Work motivation is important to improve performance because it could encourage employee productivity. Achieving high employee motivation requires support from company management so that there are factors that can increase employee motivation, such as compensation and organizational culture. Compensation is given both financial and non-financial as a reward for the work that has been done. In addition, organizational culture is the values, traditions, and work procedures followed by members of the company. This study aims to determine how compensation, organizational culture, and work motivation of employees at Grand Mercure Bandung Setiabudi is, as well as to analyze the partial and simultaneous effect of compensation and organizational culture on employee motivation at Grand Mercure Bandung Setiabudi. The data in this study were analyzed using a descriptive quantitative method and verified using Structural Equation Model (SEM)-PLS analysis. The data were taken by distributing questionnaires to 150 employees of the Grand Mercure Bandung Setiabudi. The results show that the compensation given by Grand Mercure Bandung Setiabudi to employees is included in the fairly high category, the organizational culture shown by Grand Mercure Bandung Setiabudi is included in the fairly good category, and the work motivation shown by the employees of Grand Mercure Bandung Hotel is included in the moderate category. tall. In addition, the results of the research partially and simultaneously show that compensation and organizational culture have an effect on employee motivation.

Published in: 3rd Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: September 13-15, 2022

ISBN: 978-1-7923-9162-0
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767