The increasing demands of community mobility certainly require transportation facilities that can provide movement and movement from one place to another quickly. This study uses the System Literature Review method which is used to determine the methodology with relevant questions by presenting evidence regarding the data. Online transportation is an internet-based transportation service that can be accessed through applications on smartphones, this is due to the development of the times and increasingly rapid technological advances. The existence of online application-based transportation Go-Jek, Grab, and Bluebird that combines transportation services with communication technology in the Indonesian transportation world, makes people have to determine which transportation is most suitable for their mobility needs. The development of online transportation is a challenge for the public policy sector to be able to follow the development of information technology. Moreover, digital society that uses information technology assistance to carry out daily activities has different characteristics from the conditions of the previous society. This study aims to analyze and describe the relationship between online transportation and meeting people's needs with online transportation. Online transportation has succeeded in driving social change at three levels, namely the individual level, the level between individuals, and the community level. The results of this study conclude that with online transportation, people's activities in traveling are greatly helped by online transportation, with easy ordering and price offers that many people are helped in today's very congested transportation solutions.