Track: Sustainability
Cities are consumed by daily routines and ever-changing complications. A peri-urban supporting area arose as a location to dwell throughout the construction of the city’s center. Because the distance between work and home is so great, many feel compelled to take a break. We believe that repurposing historic structures as a third place can meet the needs of escaping space. The study aims to explore the use of adaptive reuse at Gedung Filateli – Pasar Baru, which serves as a third place, as well as to analyze the adaptive reuse of Gedung Filateli as an anchor store for economic, social, and environmental sustainability. We combine qualitative research with a field survey of the location, which is used as a cafe, and literature data to support our analysis. Based on our consideration of the challenges, we suggest that adaptive reuse of heritage buildings is a solution that may be used to satisfy the needs of sustainable urban escape in dense locations. Through adaptive reuse, anchor stores are crucial for achieving economic, social, and environmental sustainability. Purposing to attract people, extend the life of the building, and rotate economic activity in a sustainable manner, branding is essential as part of adaptive reuse.
Adaptive reuse, third place, historical building, sustainable urban escape, and Gedung Filateli