The growth of social media has experienced a rapid increase. Particularly in the community of smartphone users, many companies are intrigued to take this issue as an advantage by turning it into marketing tools. PT XYZ uses social media such as Instagram, LINE, and Facebook to reach out to consumers due to providing information regarding the variety of products and current promotions. The purpose of this activity is to increase product and services sales number. As a result, to build strength to compete with other companies in the same market. On the other hand, PT XYZ is also aware of its service quality given to the consumer. The service quality offered by the company has to fulfil both consumer needs and expectations. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to find the impact of social media marketing (X1) on purchase intention (Y), service quality (X2) on purchase intention (Y), also social media marketing (X1) and service quality (X2) towards purchase intention (Y) at the same time. The method used in this research is associative quantitative, the data collecting method achieved by publicizing 100 questionnaires through Google Form to the consumer in coffee shop of PT XYZ in Pasaraya Grande. The data collected then processed in SPSS shows that there has been a significant impact between the independent variable and dependent variable for 59,8%. Simultaneously, the result of examination F also shows a significant impact between the independent and dependent variables. Moreover, based on examination T, service quality (X2) partially dominates the impact towards purchase intention (Y) variable with t count of 9,404, while the number of t count on social media marketing (X1) is 3,182.