Track: Business Management
Nowadays, the increasing use of body care products, the variations of the products and the marketing of the products are starting to increase in the most creative and interesting way as possible. But in this era, just being interesting isn’t enough, there should be an impact that can be made from using the product of our choice. Love Beauty and Planet (LBP) is one of Multi National Corporation (MNC) Unilever subsidiary which produces environmental-friendly & cruelty-free products that offer a lot of impact to the earth and the society. Researchers would like to see how some variables will impact the customers in Indonesia. This research was conducted to know more about the relationship between brand image to the purchase intention of customer and the relationship between trust to the purchase intention of customer. The researcher uses quantitative research, in which the data is collected in the form by spreading questionnaires. The number of samples is 190 consumers. To proceed data, researchers used software the Stata Release 15 , The authors conducted validity and reliability tests to ensure that the data were valid and reliable. After that the Authors conducted regression testing, the results showed that brand image and trust affect purchase intention in Love Beauty & Planet.