11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Influencing Determinants of Halal Land Cross-Border Clearance Operation in Malaysia

0 Paper Citations
Track: Supply Chain Management

Past studies have revealed the formation on how Halal has been described in a broad perspective predominantly focus given to logistics and supply chain. However, the focus has barely touched on the cross-border logistics. Cross-border logistics focus on the international borders with activities associated with official procedures that control trade movement. This cross-border is an entry point, which receives various type of consignments including Halal goods. Halal goods are expected to have specific requirements in ensuring its Halal integrity. Ensuring the integrity of Halal goods along the chain remains a major concern among respective community in Malaysia. The current clearance operation at the entry point is seen inadequate, as the control and activities involve during the clearance process is not emphasizing the required examination for Halal goods. This is seen as lack of guidance and references in facilitating trade for Halal integrity assurance especially at the entry point. To better understand this issue, 11 interviews with relevant stakeholders, who involved in Halal cross-border clearance operation were conducted. The results demonstrated that there were several determinants that influencing the Halal cross-border clearance operation in assuring Halal products integrity. It is hoped that this paper would give some insights for future research.

Published in: 11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Singapore, Singapore

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: March 7-11, 2021

ISBN: 978-1-7923-6124-1
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767