2nd Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

A Proposed risk model for the halal supply chain

Anisa Nurul Islamadina & iwan vanany
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Sustainability in Supply Chain, Enterprise Operations and Strategies

The purpose of this research is to propose a new risk assessment model for the halal supply chain. The case study selected in this research is the chicken meat industry in Malang city. This research used three steps and combined several approaches to propose a new risk model to manage the halal supply chain risks. In the first step, this research identifies the risks to the input of the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) Table. There are 26 risk events were identified in this case study. In the second step, it does the risk assessment to assess the risk event by FMEA and analysis the risk event by Pareto Diagram. Analysis of the Pareto Diagram shows the problems that must be solved were risk A9 and risk A1. Finally, it does a halal action plan with Risk Matrix and Multi-Phased Quality Function Development (QFD) in the third step. Risk Matrix to mapping the risk event and Multi-Phased QFD to measure the value of halal integration and the effectiveness from the proposed risk mitigation. The finding of the third step is the Risk Matrix shown the risks of A1, A4, A9, and A12 were in the red zone (very high risk). In addition, the Multi-Phased QFD has two phases. Phase 1, the top rank for risk priority, is cutting processing. Phase 2, the four mitigation options to the RPH management based on a risk matrix result.

Published in: 2nd Asia Pacific International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Surakarta, Indonesia

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: September 13-16, 2021

ISBN: 978-1-7923-6129-6
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767