Track: Business Management
Trend of using shipping services increases every year. This is similar to the increasing use of e-commerce in Indonesia, which makes research on this subject interesting for further research. Selling ornamental plants online requires a delivery service that can distribute limited plants for long-distance distribution. This study will discuss the two delivery services that are most often used by ornamental plant online stores in Malang Raya. Based on the survey, J&T Express with a percentage of 29% and JNE Express route with a percentage of 23% is the two services most often used to distribute ornamental plants in Malang Raya. This study aims to study and find out whether there are differences in the assessment of the two companies. Research data was obtained from journals, surveys, and interviews. The results of this study are the business strategies of the two companies in maintaining business continuity, their ability to support the distribution of ornamental plants, and the different test of the two companies with a significance value of 0.006, where 0.006 <0.05 which means that there are differences in the assessments of the two companies so that they can be compared.
Business Strategy, Comparative Study, J&T Express, JNE Express, Ornamental Plant