1st South American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

The closed cycle process as an eco-efficiency strategy to improve industrial productivity

william eduardo mosquera laverde
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Sustainable Manufacturing

The Today in Colombia SMEs form more than 80% of companies productive transformation and the new objectives of competitiveness, free trade agreements (FTA) approved SMEs have caused worry more for the production process and leave a little aside occupational efforts and especially environmental management, which is counterproductive because for international buyers on visits to signing agreements, the above steps are a vital and important point, according to an exploratory study on the subject [1] showed that only 20% of SMEs has developed some environmental management and quality. Therefore, it is proposed that SMEs implement the working model in MRP closed as a strategy to optimize the production and improvement of national competitive advantage cycle, but having little impact materials that environment, the optimal use energy and water resources, as well as the proper disposal of the waste generated inside and outside the plant. This paper studies how they could implement the C2C model transformation SMEs in order to achieve sustainable development that goes hand in hand with productivity and international competitiveness.

Therefore, development work several components of industrial ecology are taken into account such as the life-cycle assessment (LCA) of a product in order to know how they are developing the transformation of a product, to thereby be able to determine in phases which this process can make an improvement through the inputs and resources that are being used, optimizing its use in a scheme of cleaner production, either with recycling them in the same process or in a new or alternative process in operation. This paper studied 10 SMEs transformation among which are food companies, plastics, supplies and services; where some inefficient processes, either by excess consumption or not having clear disposal of waste they generate is taken; with defined and chosen parameters proceeded to devise a strategy for improving the process under study, which was implemented with a pilot scheme to determine the level of savings achieved and forecast the future. As this subject is presented it is important in chemical engineering as it shows another model to improve efficiency in production processes and in turn improve the environment through the reduction of waste and pollutants other types, since the production more clean it brings to the production efficiency of the company with the optimal use of materials with an application model MRP and provides the environment in the use of resources and the decrease in the delivery of waste, which can lead an SME to enter the circle of eco-efficient companies that is that the entire production process takes into account the environmental component and further increased its national and international competitiveness.

Published in: 1st South American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Bogota, Colombia

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: October 25-26, 2017

ISBN: 978-1-5323-5943-9
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767