2nd South American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Development and Validation of the Social-Cultural Competency Assessment Software for State Civil Apparatus

Muhamad Chairul Basrun Umanailo
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Case Studies

Every country has various socio-cultural conditions. Indonesia is a country that has socio-cultural diversity. Socio-cultural implementation is one of the mandatory competencies of the state civil apparatus. However, the measurement tool for assessing socio-cultural competence is still minimal. The purpose is to develop and validate the socio-cultural competency assessment software in the Indonesian state civil apparatus. The development of measuring tools starts with content validation through professional judgment and construct validation through exploratory factor analysis. The socio-cultural scale had good content validation and measured the unity of the nation's socio-cultural constructs. The validity coefficient ranged from 0.80 to 0.90. In this research, the Socio-cultural Software in the setting of a Covid-19 pandemic. The loading factor of all items most correlated with a factor of 1 ranging from 0.535 to 0.779. The conclusion, the socio-cultural scale is a univariate scale that reveals the unity of national socio-cultural. The total score on the socio-cultural scale obtained was higher, socio-cultural competence possessed by a state civil apparatus was higher. Future research can develop measurement tools in various settings and adapted to the socio-cultural conditions of each country. The reliability of the socio-cultural scale also needs further investigation.

Published in: 2nd South American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: April 5-8, 2021

ISBN: 978-1-7923-6125-8
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767