Track: Construction Management
The high quality of human resources is expected to be able to improve services to the community. A conducive work environment will be created, among other things influenced by exemplary leadership. The research objective was to analyze the quality of services at the Public Housing and Settlement Services in Mamuju Tengah Regency and the factors that influence these services' quality. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach with the Path Analysis method. The variables used in this study are the variable Leadership Style (X1), Work Environment (X2), Employee Performance (Y1), and Service Quality (Y2). The results showed that the leadership style and work environment positively and significantly affected employee performance with a significance value of 0.00. Meanwhile, leadership style, work environment, and employee performance substantially affect service quality with a significance value of 0.00. Testing the indirect effect of leadership style on service quality through employee performance is significantly positive. In contrast, the work environment on service quality through employee performance negatively correlates but still has a significant relationship (0.28).