Track: Engineering Management
The present study reviews previous studies that discuss the influence of brand image, halal status, and certification on consumers’ purchasing decision. From the many existing studies on the influence of dimensions in research decisions, we selected ten studies to find out the factors that influence purchasing decisions. From several purchasing decision factors, the study focuses on research review on brand image, halal status, and product certification factors. We also review what dimensions are used in each of these factor assessments in addition to the research methods used in the study of the influence of a brand image, halal, and product certification on purchasing decisions. The results showed that brand image, halal status, and government certification have a significant influence on purchasing decisions. The dimensions used to investigate brand image variable encompass attributes, benefits, and attitudes. Halal variable incorporates the use of various dimensions in the studies examined such as marketing, customer awareness, and labeling. Finally, one of the dimension used in the government certification variable is the attitude towards quality labels.