Track: Total Quality Management
Philip Crosby famously said that “Quality is the result of a carefully constructed cultural environment. It has to be the fabric of the organization, not part of the fabric.” This quote suggests that quality must find new approaches for their study that go beyond traditional conceptualizations, such as the study of the culture of quality. Worldwide, there are a series of studies about the culture of quality. However, in Bolivia and South America, no studies have analyzed their determinants. Thus, our research surveyed 185 Bolivian managers and through the use of statistical modeling, we found that customer focus, quality vision, and quality values positively influence the culture of quality. Additionally, we developed a culture of quality index to rank the surveyed firms according to their score. We found that: (a) large firms; (b) firms that implemented quality standards; and (c) product manufacturing firms have the highest culture of quality scores. In contrast, (i) SME’s; (ii) firms that did not implement quality standards; and (iii) service firms showed the lowest culture of quality scores. Finally, we discuss the implications and strategies for Bolivian firms.