1st African International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Appraisal of Measures in Enhancing Professionalism and Ethical Conducts among Quantity Surveyors in Nigerian Construction Industry

Ebunoluwa Akinrata
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Construction Management

Quantity Surveyors are one of the main professionals in the construction industry; they render service to construction clients which incorporate Architects, building proprietors, Investors, government organizations, Engineers, and contractual workers. They engage in evaluating, cost administration, obtainment administration, cost planning, contract organization, plausibility studies, resource monetary administration, all exercises identified by making money in the construction industry. Recently, Quantity surveying profession in Nigeria has one way or the other influenced by unethical practices display by its members. Due to the development, this paper aims to evaluate the measures in improving professionalism and ethical behaviours among Quantity Surveyors in Nigerian construction industry with a viable way to deal with a moral appraisal of Quantity Surveyors in the Nigerian construction industry in an approach to upgrading moral standard among them. It was uncovered in the findings that that transparency & accountability in contract administration, leaders serving as role models and constant supervision of ethics are the most notable measures to enhance ethical conducts among Quantity Surveyors. The study recommends that powerful disciplines like punishments, withdrawal of authentication or even cancellation of the permit on dull infringement might be presented by Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (NIQS) to minimized unethical practices among its members.

Published in: 1st African International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Johannesburg, South Africa

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: October 30-1, 2018

ISBN: 978-1-5323-5947-7
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767