1st African International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Application of Supply Chains in Land Registration

Edward Kurwakumire
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Supply Chain Management (SCM) - ERP

Land is the most crucial resource in any nation especially due to its scarcity in wake of unlimited needs and wants by mankind. Land has been a major resource of conflict due to the need for countries to expand their territories. Even, nowadays land disputes still exist between traditional leaders and municipalities, individuals and cooperations. This is because land is viewed as a social, cultural and economic resource. The registration of land is thus of importance so that rights to land are well defined and are protected. These rights give information on who owns what land and the type of land ownership that exists. This is referred to as land tenure security that is achieved through secure land rights. These secure land rights are then used as a basis financing land related projects by financial institutions where land and other real property and mostly immovable property are used as collateral. In communal areas, land registration can in principle, improve agricultural productivity as farmers can seek funding from banks to make their land more productive due to possessing title to land. Eventually land registration creates land markets which involves the buying and selling of real or immovable property meaning land and buildings which is a major contributor to public funds collected by governments to support service delivery as land and property transactions contribute substantially to the gross domestic product of a country. While land registration is of immense importance, developing countries face challenges in managing land registration processes and in organizing the related land information in a systematic and easy to access manner so that timeous land transactions can be done. In some cases the land registration process is too long and inefficient while it is costly to the buyer of real property or the individual or cooperation wishing to register title. This results in insecure land transactions and a failing of the property market in a country. This affect government revenue acquired though through land and property tax and this brings the need of a well-functioning land registration system in the nation. Land registration systems have been modelled using unified modeling language in previous research. This paper employs supply chain management to model land registration process in an urban environment. This paper argues that supply chain management can be used to model and manage the land registration process. In this study, the land registration process is considered to be a supply chain comprising of a land owner, surveyor, surveyor general’s office, notary and the deeds offices as the supply chain partners.

Published in: 1st African International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Johannesburg, South Africa

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: October 30-1, 2018

ISBN: 978-1-5323-5947-7
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767