2nd African International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

An Evaluation of Cyber Crime and Cyber Security Bill of Zimbabwe

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Track: Cyber Security

The recent radical digitalization of our societies through internet and the use of computer systems, gave rise to new cyber-crimes or cyber-security threats. Cyber security has thus became a general concern for all, citizens, professionals, politicians, and, more generally, all decision makers. The Cyber Security Bill was introduced to criminalize offences against computers and network related crime; to consolidate the criminal law on computer crime and network crime; to provide for investigation and collection of evidence for computer and network related crime; to provide for the admission of electronic evidence for such offences and to provide for matters connected with or incidental to the foregoing. With the Cyber Crime and Cyber Security Bill on the cusp of being promulgated, prosecuting Cyber Criminals in Zimbabwe finally became effective. The focus of this paper is to discuss issues around the introduction of the Cyber Crime and Cyber Security Bill in Zimbabwe and the likely impact it will have on the investigation and prosecution of cybercrime. This is achieved through the analysis of global cybercrime and cyber security legislation trends; factors influencing the success of the bill in the investigation and prosecution of cybercrime in  Zimbabwe as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the Bill in question.

Published in: 2nd African International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Harare, Zimbabwe

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: December 7-10, 2020

ISBN: 978-1-7923-6123-4
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767