5th North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Impact of Employee Satisfaction on Work Discipline in Government Office in Indonesia

Dedi Iskamto, Kurniati Karim, Sukono Sukono & Abdul Talib Bon
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of job satisfaction on the work discipline of government employees in the district office. The population in this study were all employees at the Pangkalan Kerinci sub-district office Riau Province, Indonesia. This study is a quantitative study, data analysis using SPSS 23. The results of research with the t-test, t-value (8.297) is greater than t-table (2.021). So it was concluded that Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected, so the hypothesis that there was a significant relationship between job satisfaction and employee work discipline at the Pangkalan Kerinci sub-district office was acceptable. While the R2 test was 61.6%, while 38.4% was influenced by other factors not examined in this study. This means that job satisfaction has a significant influence on the work discipline of government employees.

Published in: 5th North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Detroit, USA

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: August 9-11, 2020

ISBN: 978-0-9855497-8-7
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767