Pencak Silat is an Indonesian martial art that has been recognized by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage object in 2019. In the practice, it is very difficult to know the accurate movement because no one has control over the movement except with instruction from their coach. Therefore, using Kinect – based study, we developed an application that could estimate body positions compared to stored model positions. By using a skeleton stream that has vector data, we can estimate the angle between two vectors and save it as a reference for further assessment with the user model. In the classification, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) was used which the implementation was done in the LabVIEW program. This application has an accuracy rate of more than 90% for performing assigned tasks.Pencak Silat is an Indonesian martial art that has been recognized by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage object in 2019. In the practice, it is very difficult to know the accurate movement because no one has control over the movement except with instruction from their coach. Therefore, using Kinect – based study, we developed an application that could estimate body positions compared to stored model positions. By using a skeleton stream that has vector data, we can estimate the angle between two vectors and save it as a reference for further assessment with the user model. In the classification, Support Vector Machines (SVMs) was used which the implementation was done in the LabVIEW program. This application has an accuracy rate of more than 90% for performing assigned tasks.