5th North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Developing an introductory engineering management course – a case study

Mayra Mendez-Pinero
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations

Today's business world demands engineers to be prepared to compete in a global market. Therefore, it is of great importance for engineering students to have exposure to management topics for them to be ready for the workforce once they graduate. By examining the curriculum of the Engineering College at the University of Puerto Rico, an opportunity to develop a new course related to engineering management was identified. Taking this into consideration, a benchmarking analysis was done among different well-established engineering management programs to create an introductory course of engineering management. This new course was successfully offered for the first-time during Spring 2019. This last semester, Spring 2020, the course was improved and taught for a second time with almost 94% increase in registered students. As part of the final project of the course, several students thoroughly evaluated the temporary course and presented their recommendations related to relevant topics for engineers, assessment tools, etc. The process of establishing the course as permanent within the industrial engineering department and as a professional elective for both undergraduates and graduate students is undergoing. The final syllabus is the expected deliverable of this effort.

Published in: 5th North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Detroit, USA

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: August 9-11, 2020

ISBN: 978-0-9855497-8-7
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767