6th North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Analysis of The Modeling Delay Factor for The Implementation of Flats in Surabaya and Its Impact on The Housing Needs of Urban Communities

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Track: Business Management

Analysis of the modeling delay factor for the implementation of flats in Surabaya and its impact on the housing needs of urban communities. This research is oriented towards solving problems in the community, especially in the availability of flats as urban settlements. Indonesian Innovation Talent Program for the 2021 fiscal year is part of the MBKM (Independent Campus Learning) course. Research / Final project according to the Chancellor's Decree number 19/NR -R/03/VIII/2020 dated August 17, 2021, related to the implementation of the MBKM Curriculum at Narotama University, as well as in order to support the implementation of the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation number 3 of 2020 concerning National Higher Education Standards, in particular article 14 paragraphs 6 and 7, Forms of Learning in the form of Research, design or development must be added as a form of Learning for undergraduate programs, is a student activity under the guidance of Lecturers in the context of developing attitudes, knowledge, skills, authentic experiences, as well as improving community welfare and national competitiveness. The Indonesian Innovation Talent Program for the 2021 fiscal year is also part of the implementation of the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 754/P/2020 concerning Key Performance Indicators of State Universities and Higher Education Service Institutions within the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2020, related to indicator number (2) Students outside campus, off-campus experience, research / research, academic research activities, both science and social humanities conducted under the supervision of Lecturers / Researchers. The Advisory Lecturer who is involved in the Indonesian Innovation Talent Program for the 2021 fiscal year, is the Chair of the Narotama University MBKM Task Force, based on the Rector's Decree number 10/NR-R/03/IV/2021.

Published in: 6th North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Monterrey, Mexico

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: November 3-5, 2021

ISBN: 978-1-7923-6130-2
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767