6th North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

The Influence Of “Ruang Guru” Platform Learning Model On The Learning Outcomes

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Track: Business Management

The purpose of this research is to find out whether there is an influence of the Learning Model of The “Ruang Guru” platform on student learning outcomes in Indonesian subjects. For the subjects in this study were students of grade XI IPA and XI Bahasa MA Raudlatul Mutaallimin Babat. While in the observation of the activity consists of 14 students of grade XI IPA and 14 students of grade XI Language. The result showed that There is no significant difference between students taught using the “Ruang Guru” platform learning model and students taught using conventional learning models. However, when viewed from the results of the pretest and posttest values of the experimental class experienced a more significant increase compared to the control class. This proves that the learning model of the teacher space platform can influence the improvement of the learning outcomes of MA Raudlatul Mutaallimin Babat students. Based on the results of the calculation of average values there was a significant increase between the average pretest values of the experimental class which was initially lower than the control class. So it can be concluded that the learning model of the “Ruang Guru” platform is better than conventional learning methods to improve the learning outcomes of MA Raudlatul mutaallimin Babat students

Published in: 6th North American International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Monterrey, Mexico

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: November 3-5, 2021

ISBN: 978-1-7923-6130-2
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767