Track: Modeling and Simulation
Marketplace use during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia increased by 400%. To reach customers, marketplace use social media to connect directly with customers. Criticisms and messages from customers conveyed through social media are data that can be analyzed and generate benefits for the advancement of the marketplace. The purpose of this study is to obtain an overview of the trends in customer satisfaction supporting criteria in customer social networks, a comparison of trends in these criteria before and during COVID-19 and an overview of user social networks of the marketplace using Twitter data. To achieve the objectives of this study, the researcher uses the Semantic Association Analysis method as a descriptive analysis method and Ego Network Analysis to analyze social networks, both of which are part of Social Network Analysis (SNA). From the results of this study, it was found that the trend of supporting criteria for customer satisfaction in of Shopee was led by the criteria for Delivery Quality and Price. This study recommends some suggestion on how to take advantage of trends in customer satisfaction criteria and customers' social networks on Twitter social media as a focus in developing strategies for the marketplace.