Track: Data Analytics
The result of this research changed the traditional annealing heat treatment to a continuous annealing heat treatment process in a copper wire drawn machine with benefits in efficiency, quality, WIP and energy consumption. Increasing temperatures above 500ºC in the segment of the annealing process in a copper wire drawn machine by keeping elongation results matching the technical specifications using statistical analysis tools and comparing the relationship between the values and behavior of the copper stretched with pulleys during the continuous annealing process in a copper wire drawn machine. These changes reduced at least forty-eight hours from the original process by avoiding the traditional annealing heat treatment. Applying the factorial analysis method reduced the number of significant factors that represents the relationship of the independent variables as well as a multiple regression analysis were identified establishing the parameters to operate a continuous annealing process. More than 3,000 observations were computed, the study significantly identifies two important components whose initial eigenvalues are greater than 1 and together reach a cumulative intercorrelation of 90.686%. The KMO index indicates a high correlation of 0.718 and Bartlett's sphericity with a significance value of 0.000 and rotation method VARIMAX with normalization KAISE the second factor is most highly correlated with electric charge and elongation.