Track: Business Management
This paper presents an analysis of the literature concerning whether environmental performance can improve financial performance of Manufacturing Companies in the Miscellaneous Industry Participating in PROPER. Then look at the extent to which the role of CSR can strengthen the relationship between environmental performance and financial performance of companies in the manufacturing sector and various industries. The sample we use in this study are manufacturing companies in the Miscellaneous Industry listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) and participating in PROPER for the 2016-2019 period with 16 observations. In conducting data analysis, we applied WarpPLS version 7.0 software which will evaluate the outer model and inner model. The company's financial performance variables are measured using the ROE and NPM ratios, while the environmental performance variable is measured using the PROPER rating and CSR is measured by the CSR index. The provisional assumption of this study shows that (1) environmental performance cannot improve the financial performance of companies in the manufacturing sector and various industries, (2) CSR disclosure is not able to strengthen the relationship between environmental performance and the financial performance of companies in the manufacturing sector and various industries.