6th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Alternative solution for the pipeline transport of viscous oil using the heaters in pumping stations.

Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Transportation

Alternative solution for the pipeline transport of viscous oil using the heaters in pumping stations.

Benmounah Amar and Chebouba Ammar 

Department of Transport and Equipment of Hydrocarbons.

Faculty of Hydrocarbons and Chemistry

University M’Hamed Bougara of Boumerdes 35000. Algeria



There are several possibilities to transport the viscous crude by pipeline. The best known are the transportation of the product mixed with a diluent and the transport with heating of the product.

In the 1st case the disadvantages are:

a) Reduction of the efficiency of transport caused by the diluent product,

b) Harm to the environment in the event of loss of the product

c) Increase in the cost of transport.

In the 2nd case the major drawback lies in the selection and dimensioning of stations pumping and heating of the viscous oil.

The original idea of this paper is to propose a method of reduction in viscosity of oil by heating. The difference lies in the type of proposed heating. Indeed it is to practice heating inside pumping stations. The distances and the type of pump with motor drive will be chosen on the basis of thermal and hydraulic calculations that will determine the optimal distance of reheating, i.e. the distances travelled by the product in turbulent regime.

It is proposed to install heaters in tank of storage in pumping stations at the optimal distance of flow corresponding to the turbulent regime. The advantage of this process is to save heating energy and pumping. So the product will retain its initial properties. We propose a theory based on the thermal and hydraulic calculation of oil pipeline to determine reheating range, the temperature corresponding of the flow regime change for a given oil type (each type of product has its own limit temperature of heating), the generated load losses, the number of the heating and the pumping stations and the necessary thickness of insulation to maintain, as far as possible, the heat in the oil pipeline.


Viscosity, Heating, Efficiency, Environment, Transport Economy.


Benmounah Amar is a Professor, and member of the Scientific Committee for doctoral training

In the Transport and Equipment of Hydrocarbons Department, Faculty of Hydrocarbons and Chemistry at the University M’Hamed Bougara of Boumerdes 35000. Algeria.

He earned Engineering degree in Pipeline operation from National Hydrocarbon and Chemistry Institute, Boumerdes, and PhD in Technical Sciences from Oil and Gas Gubkin Institute in Moscow, Soviet Union. He has published journal and conference papers. Dr Benmounah has conducted training courses for executives of companies Sonatrach, Sonelgaz, DMI, DP, Anabib in schools as IAP - Boumerdès (Algerian Institute of Petroleum), NAFTOGAZ Hassi Messaoud, BATIMETAL-Boumerdes. His research interests include RAMS (reliability, availability, maintainability and safety), simulation, optimization, transmission oil and gas pipeline design, construction and operation. He is member of the Algerian Gas Industry Association (AIG).

Published in: 6th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: March 8-10, 2016

ISBN: 978-0-9855497-4-9
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767