2nd GCC International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Design and Optimization of Hydrogen Supply Chain Network: A Case Study of Oman.

Hawraa Saud
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations

The hydrogen supply chain plays a crucial role in producing and utilizing hydrogen as a
clean energy carrier. It is a complex and evolving system that requires coordination
among various stakeholders, including governments, industries, and researchers, to
ensure its effectiveness and sustainability. This project considers the problem of
designing the hydrogen supply chain network with a case study in Oman. The primary
objective of having a hydrogen supply chain network and designing it effectively is to
create a system that optimizes the configuration and the flow of hydrogen and reduces
related costs such as production and transportation costs. To achieve that, a complex
a planning challenge emerges when there is a need to align the production of green
hydrogen with its consumption. The design problem at hand requires precision
consideration of critical factors, encompassing the strategic determination of the
quantity and placement of production facilities, the delineation of optimal routes for the
pipeline network, and the formulation to construction schedule. The outcomes of thi

The project is objective to offer valuable insights into the viability of hydrogen energy
production in Oman, clarification whether it presents a beneficial prospect for the
nation. Moreover, the findings will guide the formulation of strategies to maximize the
potential benefits derived from the implementation of hydrogen energy infrastructure
within the Oman context.
A mixed integer linear programing formulation was developed to solve the problem.
The model is implemented by IBM ILOG CPLEX OPL. The model included candidate
locations for production; synthetic data was used to validate and understand the model.
The research examines several scenarios involving candidate locations for production
and transportation facilities. It critically evaluates transportation logistics, including
pipeline and trucking options, to ensure efficient distribution while minimizing
operational and capital costs.

Published in: 2nd GCC International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Muscat, Oman

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: December 1-3, 2024

ISBN: 979-8-3507-4442-2
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767