This paper explores the role of sustainable commuting options in enhancing employee well-being across both government and private sectors. The primary goal is to assess the impact of sustainable transportation choices such as walking, biking, carpooling, and public transit on reducing emissions, improving air quality, minimizing traffic congestion, and promoting better health among employees. Furthermore, the study investigates how flexible work arrangements, including telecommuting and off-site work, can reduce commute-related stress and improve work-life balance. Sustainable commuting not only offers environmental benefits like a significant reduction in carbon footprint but also enhances employees' physical and mental well-being, contributing to increased job satisfaction and reduced stress levels. This paper aims to highlight these outcomes by focusing on both individual and organizational perspectives.
A quantitative analysis method was employed to quantify these impacts, with data collection focused on governmental employees and those in the private sector. The analysis used the R programming language to examine the statistical correlations between commuting habits and their environmental and personal health effects. By identifying the influence of sustainable commuting on employee well-being and its contribution to environmental conservation, this study aims to provide actionable insights for policymakers, organizations, and employees to adopt sustainable commuting as a strategy to foster a healthier, more balanced, and environmentally friendly working culture.