9th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Study of Wood Dust and Chemical Hazard at Wood Based Furniture

0 Paper Citations
Track: Human Factors and Ergonomics

Many transformations from manual handling to modern technology has been done in order to produce more product so that manufacturing process performance increases. However, some of the technology still cannot reduce the risk of health hazard to the workers. Therefore, this study is aims to investigate the work-related symptoms that related to the wood dust and chemical hazard, to assess the effect of exposure to dust and chemical on lung function of furniture workers and to study the effectiveness of the existing engineering control in the company. There are two method that have been carried out in this study where first is questionnaire and second is experiment of spirometry test. The result that based on workers perception shows that the work-related symptom that related to the wood dust and chemical hazard were itching eyes, skin irritation, redness of eyes, cough and chest tightness. Mean and standard deviation for all parameter of spirometry test (FEV1%, FVC%, FEV1/FVC %, FEF2575%, FEF25%, FEF50%) from exposed group were lower compared to control group. Result of t-test shows that the mean with standard deviation of FEV1%, FVC%, and FEV1/FVC % of the control group were higher than the exposed group with significant different at α=0.05. In conclusion, the workers from furniture industry are exposed to the wood dust and chemical hazard even though engineering control have been applied. Therefore, in order to control the hazard, some practical guideline and engineering control need to be established and improved.

Published in: 9th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Bangkok, Thailand

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: March 5-7, 2019

ISBN: 978-1-5323-5948-4
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767