9th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Numerical Simulation of Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) for Solving the Boundary Value Problem (BVP) in Earth Layer

Sukono Sukono
Publisher: IEOM Society International
0 Paper Citations
Track: Modeling and Simulation

Electromagnetic problem. The FDTD is derived by discretizing the Maxwell’s Equation using the finite difference (FN) method. We test the governing equation by numerically constructing the Yee Algorithm in 1-Dimensional (1-D) System to describe the distribution of the Transverse Electric (TE) and Transverse Magnetic (TM) within two type boundary condition. First, we simulate the system using Perfectly Electrically/Magnetically Conducting (PEC/PMC) boundary condition, second with Absorbing Boundary Condition (ABCs). We assume that TE and TM are propagate in homogenous and isotropic media. Thereore, the conductivity σ, permeability, μ and permittivity remains constant time by time. For a further studiy, we apply the simulation to the isotropic and homogenous 2 dimensional earth layers that have a various condition of the BVP. The result leads to the conclusion that for the ideal condition of the layered earth model, the simulation is able to give a best solution for each earth layer problem.

Published in: 9th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Bangkok, Thailand

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: March 5-7, 2019

ISBN: 978-1-5323-5948-4
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767