9th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Work Organization through Methods Engineering and Time Study to Increase Productivity in a Floriculture Company: A Case Study

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Track: Case Studies

This research was carried out through a methodology to diagnose and improve the work organization, based on methods engineering tools and time study. A case study was carried out in the floriculture company in La Esperanza-Ibarra, Ecuador. With the aim of increasing productivity, optimizing working methods and setting standards of time and performance. The bibliographical review allowed us to support the theoretical and scientific bases concerning the engineering of methods and study of times necessary to carry out the Investigation. With a diagnosis of the company case study, through tools of diagrams of processes and routes, were able to visualize the activities in each one of the workstations of the post-harvest area, such as: reception of roses, take off leafs, classification, bunch, cutting of stems, quality control and packaging. In addition, the times were taken in each of the operations of the Operations of the above processes. According to the data obtained from the diagnosis, the company carried out a production of 11 893 stems per day according to the limiting capacity, for a demand of 12 500. As a result, improvements were made in the physical distribution of the post-harvest area, the standardization of times and with it, time and performance standards, and working methods are Proposed. All the above proposed would allow us to achieve a decrease of cycle time from 2.01 minutes to 1.79 minutes per unit, estimating as a result the increase in production capacity to 13 400 stems per day, and increasing productivity by 12.67%; achieving the main objective of this case study.

Published in: 9th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Bangkok, Thailand

Publisher: IEOM Society International
Date of Conference: March 5-7, 2019

ISBN: 978-1-5323-5948-4
ISSN/E-ISSN: 2169-8767